The Sacred Breath of YAHWEH

In the realm of silence and soul,

Where whispers of the divine gently unroll,
Echoes a rhythm, subtle and deep,
In every inhale, in every sleep.

YAH – the breath draws in,
A cosmic dance, a divine spin,
Unspoken, yet profoundly heard,
In the quiet heart, a sacred word.

The essence of life, a silent plea,
"I breathe YAHWEH," the soul's decree,
In every gust, in every breeze,
Life's sacred chant, an eternal tease.

WEH – the breath pours out,
A melody in a wordless shout,
A symphony in the air we weave,
In every exhale, in every heave.

In this dance of breath, so serene,
Unseen forces, yet clearly gleaned,
YAHWEH's breath, a mystical play,
In our being, night and day.

Inhale YAH, without a sound,
A sacred space, where peace is found,
In the stillness of the inner sea,
YAHWEH's presence, forever free.

Exhale WEH*, a silent song,
In this rhythm, we belong,
No lips move, no tongue to sway,
In YAHWEH's breath, we find our way.

So breathe in deep, let the spirit soar,
In YAHWEH's breath, explore evermore,
For in each breath, divinity resides,
In YAHWEH's love, the soul abides.

YAH draws in, WEH flows out,
In this cycle, erase all doubt,
For in each breath, a sacred vow,
YAHWEH's breath, here and now.

In the silence of a whispered prayer,
Feel the presence, ever there,
"I breathe YAHWEH," a sacred call,
In this breath, find the All.

YAH and WEH, a divine blend,

In this breath, beginnings and ends,
A journey within, so profound,
In YAHWEH's breath, we are found.

Mantra for the Sacred Breath of YAHWEH

Inhale deeply, embrace the light,

YAHWEH's breath, pure and bright.
Hold within, the sacred glow,
Feel the divine presence, in flow.

Exhale gently, release and give,
WEH's rhythm, in which we live.
Release to the cosmos, your earthly tether,
In this breath, we're all together.

YAH - drawing in, life's essence pure,
In this breath, find the cure.
To every ailment, every sorrow,
In YAHWEH's breath, find hope for tomorrow.

WEH - flowing out, let spirit soar,
In this release, feel much more.
Let go of burdens, let go of fear,
In WEH's whisper, find the seer.

Cycle of life, in each breath,
YAHWEH's presence, beyond death.
Inhale YAH, exhale WEH,
In this mantra, find your way.

Breath of the divine, in us resides,
A sacred journey, in which it guides.
YAHWEH's love, in each inhale,
In each exhale, let peace prevail.

So breathe in YAH, and out with WEH,
A sacred dance, day by day.
In this mantra, find your truth,
The eternal fountain of youth.

YAH and WEH, a sacred bond,
In this breath, we're beyond and fond.
In this mantra, find your light,
YAHWEH's breath, forever bright.

Contemplative Meditation and Action for the Practice of the Sacred Breath of YAHWEH


Find a quiet, comfortable place where you won’t be disturbed.
Sit or lie down in a relaxed posture. Close your eyes gently.
Let your hands rest comfortably on your lap or by your sides.
Initial Relaxation:

Begin by taking a few natural breaths. Feel your body relax with each exhale.
Acknowledge any thoughts or distractions, then gently set them aside.

Intention Setting:

Set an intention for your meditation. It might be to connect with the divine presence, to find inner peace, or simply to be present in the moment.
Contemplative Meditation:

Focusing on the Breath:

Slowly direct your attention to your breath.
Observe the natural rhythm of your breathing without trying to change it.

Inhaling – YAH:

Tip: Do not move your lips or tongue.

As you inhale, mentally say and sound the word “YAH.”
Visualize drawing in divine light, wisdom, and peace.
Imagine this divine energy filling every part of your being.


After inhaling, hold your breath for a moment.
In this space, sense the presence of YAHWEH within you, a moment of stillness and potential.

Exhaling – WEH:

As you exhale, mentally say and sound the word “WEH.”
Visualize releasing any negativity, stress, or tension.
Feel a sense of surrendering to the divine flow, letting go of what no longer serves you.


Continue this cycle for several minutes. Inhale YAH, pause, exhale WEH.
With each cycle, deepen your sense of connection to the sacred breath.

After several cycles, return to your normal breathing.
Spend a few moments in silence, reflecting on the experience and any sensations or insights that arose.

Integration and Action:

Gently open your eyes, bringing this sense of peace and connection with you.
As an action, set an intention to maintain this connection throughout your day.
You might choose to take a few moments in your daily activities to consciously breathe in YAH and breathe out WEH, reminding yourself of the divine presence within and around you.
Consider journaling any insights or feelings that emerged during this practice.


Conclude your meditation with a moment of gratitude for this time of connection and reflection.
You might want to express this gratitude through a simple gesture, such as placing your hands over your heart or bowing your head.

Remember, the practice of the sacred breath of YAHWEH is not just about the time spent in meditation, but about integrating this sense of divine presence into all aspects of your life.

source: InnerIGPT

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